Tuesday, 17 April 2012

What Is Research?

Research simply define as the process of finding solutions to a problem after a through study and analysis of the situational factors whether for personal or public use. Research also can define as an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, which undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solution to it.
There are many types of research such as business research, scientific research, and others.
  • Business Research :  Business research is a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting that need a solution. 
  • Scientific Research :  Scientific research define as research that focusing on solving problems and pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions there from.
Every research study consists of six(6) general steps in research process (Newman, 2000:12). The six general steps show as below :

Chart 1 : Six(6) General Steps in Research Process (Newman, 2000)
  1. Choose Topic - In this step, the researcher should choose the topic that they interest to find out the solution of a problem.
  2. Focus Research Question - Researcher will set the goal of research and focus on research question in this step.
  3. Design Study - After focus on research question, the researcher must design the method to collect data such as questionnaire or interview.
  4. Collect Data - Researcher needs to collect data for the research through the research design.
  5. Analysis and Interpret Data - After collecting data, the researcher must analyze and interpret the data by using table, graph, etc.
  6. Inform Others - After the entire step was done, researcher will select the suitable publisher to publish their research outcome to the public. 

Video about Research Topic in University

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