Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Differences Between Fact and Theory

  • Fact is something that is empirically true and can be supported by evidence. 
  • Fact describe as information that has been objectively verified and cannot be change.
  • Fact is something that has really occurred or is actually the case.
  • Example of fact is biological differences between males and females are a fact.

  • Theory is a based upon a hypothesis and backed by evidence.
  • Theory presents a concept or idea that is testable.
  • Theory is a fact-based framework for describing a phenomenon.
  • Theory must have four basic criteria/component which are conceptual definitions, domain limitations, relationship-building, and predictions. (Wacker, 1998).
  • Example of theory is classical conditioning, Einstein's theory of relativity, etc.

 Differences Between Fact and Theory

            Fact define as what we can readily observe. It can pertain to any objective and real phenomenon.  For example the falling of the ball after being thrown upwards or other simple observable occurrences. In this situation, the fact is that the ball will fall after being thrown upwards.

           Theory define as the explanations to what has been observed. It is relatively greater in weight to what actually is in the research hypothesis. If a research hypothesis is the first base of formulating a scientific law, then theories are placed at the second base. Theory assumed to be true even if there are no hundred percent concrete evidences.

Theoretical Framework for My Reseach Topic

Research Topic: The Healthy Benefits of Playing Online Social Games

The theoretical framework below was developed base on my research topic:

Theoretical Framework (Independent and Dependent Variables)

          The purpose of my research was describe into two variables. The two variables are independent and dependent variables. The dependent variable of the study is online social game. There are three independent variables for my research topic which are improve communication skill, rule-following, and self control.

Theoretical Framework

          Every research need to establish the relationship among different kinds of variables that could operate in a situation. Develop a theoretical framework of the research can help us to determine the relationship between the variables more clearly.

          According to Uma Sekaran (2012), theoretical framework is a conceptual model of how one theorizes or makes logical sense of the relationships among the several factors that have been identified as important to the problem. It is logically developed, described and elaborated network of associations among the variables deemed relevant to the problem situation and identified through such processes as interviews, observations, and literature survey. 

          Besides that, the theoretical framework also logically describes the interconnections among the independent variables, the dependent variable(s), and if applicable, the moderating and intervening variable are elaborated. The elaboration of the variables in the theoretical framework thus addresses the issues of why or how we expect certain relationship to exist, and the nature and direction of the relationships among the variables of interest.

There are five basic features that should be incorporated in theoretical framework: 
  1. The variables considered relevant to the study should be clearly identified and labeled in the discussions. 
  2. The discussions should state how two or more variables are related to one another. This should be done for the important relationships that are theorized to exist among variables.
  3. If the nature and direction of the relationships can be theorized on the basis of the findings of previous research, then there should be an in indication in the discussions as to whether the relationships would be positive or negative.  
  4. There should be a clear explanation of why we would expect these relationships to exist. The arguments can be drawn from the previous research findings.
  5. A schematic diagram of the theoretical framework should be given so that a reader can see and easily comprehend the theorized relationships.   

Tactics To Narrow Down My Research Topic

          Every research topic need to narrow down from the beginning of  the research to make sure that the research can conducted more systematic and the results of the research are valid. Base on my research topic, my research topic idea was generated because of a huge number of people were addicted in playing online social game nowadays including myself. This situation was give me an idea that to find out and determine what are the benefits of playing online social game.

          At the beginning to narrow down my research topic, first i need to choose and set the geographical area that suitable for my research. The geographical area for my research was set at Kota Samarahan. The reason of why I choose Kota Samarahan because at there have a university which is University Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS). As we know, undergraduate students will always involve in social networking such as Facebook and Twitter. In the mean time, the probability of them to playing online social game are very high.

University Malaysia Sarawak
          After setting my research geographical area at UNIMAS, I will narrow down my research topic again by choosing the suitable sample of my study. I will set the sample age group between 20 - 24 years old which is in the young adult category. Then I will focus on undergraduate students from Faculty of Economics and Business which study marketing course. Marketing student might need better social communication skill in the future, they will try to improve their communication skill through different way. One of the way spending their time in playing online social game so that they can learn to communicate with global users. This can help my research to collect more accurate data. The total of 200 samples from undergraduate marketing students will select randomly to collect data about my research data.

          Finally, I will set the suitable social networking site which provide various types of social games. Facebook will become my target because it provided different types of social games compare with other social networking sites and it is famous around the world.

          By using these few types of tactics, I can easily to narrow down my research topic to selecting suitable sample to collect data. So the final results and conclusion will become more accurate and believable. 

Deductive & Inductive Research

Deductive Research

Chart 2: Process of Deductive Research
  • Going from the general to the specific is done in deductive research.
  • The logical process of deriving a conclusion about a specific instance based on a known general premise or something known to be true.
  • Example:  If all birds can fly and we know that crow is a bird then we can deduce that crow can fly.

Inductive Research

Chart 3: Process of Inductive Research
  • The logical process of establishing a general proposition on the basis of observation of particular facts.
  • We observe certain phenomena and on this basic arrive at conclusion.
  • Example:  If mosquito has 6 legs and fly also has 6 legs, both of them are insects. We can induce that all insects have 6 legs.

          Based on my research topic "The Healthy Benefits of Playing Online Social Games", the suitable type of research is deductive research. In the first stage of deductive research process, theory was form by develop the theoretical framework. I need to find out that what are the benefits of playing social game. Some information and theory can be review through previous study done by other researchers. After develop theory, hypothesis are form base on the information that was found. Example of the hypothesis that related to my research topic is improve communication skill have contact positively with online game.

          After the hypotheses were formulated, I need to collect and analyze the data to test the hypothesis that are generated in the study. There are some alternative to collect data such as using questionnaire, interview, and others. The collected data can statically analyze to see if the hypotheses that were generated have been supported. Usually the collected data will analyze through SPSS or E-View.

          At the final stage of deductive process, the conclusion will form by interpreting the meaning of results of the data analysis. The hypotheses will be conclude either accept or reject due to the data analysis results.

Dimension Of Research

There are three types of research dimension, which are :
  1. The purpose of a study.
  2. The use of research.
  3. The time dimension in research.
1. The Purpose of a Study.
The purpose of the research may organized into three groups based on what the research is trying to accomplish. The characteristics and differences of three groups of purpose are show in table below :

Table 1 :  The Characteristics and Differences of Exploratory, Descriptive, & Explanation
          Each type of the group of purpose consists it's own characteristics. The most suitable group of purpose for my research topic which is "The Healthy Benefits of Playing Online Social Games" is exploratory purpose. This is because in my research I need to determine and explore the benefits of playing social game to the users. Most of the people will ask the questions about what actually social game can benefit the users. They think that playing social game is just wasting time and give negative impact to health. So through my research, I can find out the healthy benefit of playing social game and then generate future research ideas to others researchers which interest to explore more about the social game.

2. The Use of Research
The use of research consists two types, which are basic research and applied research. 

Basic Research:
  • Also known as fundamental research or pure research.
  • The sources of most new scientific ideas and ways of thinking about the world.
  • In the business research context, basic research has a broader objective of generating knowledge and understanding of phenomena and problems that occur in various organizational setting. The finding will become useful for application in business situations.
 Applied Research 
  • Done with the intention of applying the results of the study to solve specific problems that currently experienced.
  • In the business research context, applied research is to solve a current problem in the work setting.
The comparison or differences between basic and applied research are show in table below :

Table 2 :  The comparison Between Basic and Applied Research
Source : Adapted from Freeman and Rossi (1984: 572-573)

          The type of use of research dimension that related to my research topic is basic research. For my research topic, I wish to determine the healthy benefits of playing social game and not trying to solve specific problem that are facing (applied research). I try to use the research to generate more knowledge and have better understanding about how social game can benefit the users. So users can know more about playing social  game can benefit to them such as building strong communication skill, relieve stress and tension, etc.

3. The Time Dimension in Research
The time dimension in research can divide to two types, which are cross-sectional studies and longitudinal studies.

Cross-Sectional Studies
  • A study can be done in which data are gathered just one point in time, perhaps over a period of days, weeks  or months in order to answer a research question.
  • Advantages :  The simplest and least costly alternative.
  • Disadvantages :  Cannot capture social process or change.
  • Can be use for exploratory, descriptive, and explanatory research but  most consistent with a descriptive approach to research.
Longitudinal Research
  • Examine features of people or other units at more than one point in time in order to answer the research question.
  • Advantages :  More powerful and can capture social process or change.
  • Disadvantages :  More complex and costly.
  • Consistent with a descriptive and explanatory research.
          The type of time dimension that suitable to my research topic is cross-sectional studies. This is because the study can be done in which the data can be gather just one point in time. The point focus in the research topic is the "benefits" of playing online social games.

Reason For Choosing The Topic

Research Topic :  "The Healthy Benefits of Playing Online Social Games"

          One of the reason that I choosing this topic is because I am very addicted in playing online social games. Nowadays, we can found many of social game through one of the most famous social networking site "Facebook". Facebook provided many types of social game such as farm ville, social city, restaurant city, and etc. 

          When those games become popular, many of Facebook users were involve and join to play the social game. Most of the users willing to spend their time even whole day for playing those social game. Through this situation, a lot of problems occur when those users fail to manage their time for playing social game. Online social games can be very addictive. Sometime people spend more time in their computer than any other things, which sometimes tend to make them literally useless. Besides that, spend too much time in front of the computer will leach to healthy problem especially harmful to our eyes.

          Through the problems and disadvantages of playing social game, these help me to generate the research idea to find out what are the healthy benefit of playing those online social game. 

What Is Research?

Research simply define as the process of finding solutions to a problem after a through study and analysis of the situational factors whether for personal or public use. Research also can define as an organized, systematic, data-based, critical, objective, scientific inquiry or investigation into a specific problem, which undertaken with the purpose of finding answers or solution to it.
There are many types of research such as business research, scientific research, and others.
  • Business Research :  Business research is a systematic and organized effort to investigate a specific problem encountered in the work setting that need a solution. 
  • Scientific Research :  Scientific research define as research that focusing on solving problems and pursues a step by step logical, organized and rigorous method to identify the problems, gather data, analyze them and draw valid conclusions there from.
Every research study consists of six(6) general steps in research process (Newman, 2000:12). The six general steps show as below :

Chart 1 : Six(6) General Steps in Research Process (Newman, 2000)
  1. Choose Topic - In this step, the researcher should choose the topic that they interest to find out the solution of a problem.
  2. Focus Research Question - Researcher will set the goal of research and focus on research question in this step.
  3. Design Study - After focus on research question, the researcher must design the method to collect data such as questionnaire or interview.
  4. Collect Data - Researcher needs to collect data for the research through the research design.
  5. Analysis and Interpret Data - After collecting data, the researcher must analyze and interpret the data by using table, graph, etc.
  6. Inform Others - After the entire step was done, researcher will select the suitable publisher to publish their research outcome to the public. 

Video about Research Topic in University